Before I get into our latest fitness content round-up, I wanted to mention that I’ll be hosting a free, online workshop TONIGHT at 7:00 PM. The workshop is At-Home Performance Enhancement Strategies. This will be highly interactive and free-form. I’ll be covering various tactics to keep your physical and mental performance at its peak while stuck at home. You can register for this workshop by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. All we need is your name, email, and topics that you’d like me to cover if we have time.
Some topics which I plan on covering during the workshop include cold exposure, fasting (both intermittent and extended), joint mobility from home, and how to improve various biomarkers.
You can see more about some of these topics in our post from earlier this week Improving Your Performance While Quarantined: How to Get Ahead While Everyone Else is Watching TV.
Otherwise, as mentioned above, enroll below. Now here are our weekly fitness features from across the web:
Featured Content
A Squat Progression That Works in the Strength Trenches By Alan Bishop via SimpliFaster
Modern Maturity: Create More, Consume Less By Brett & Kate McKay via Art of Manliness
Regular exercise benefits immunity — even in isolation Via Science Daily
Aaron Ausmus on building USC’s strength and conditioning culture By Ryan Abraham via 247 Sports
Endless Sled Dragging Variations That Will Dramatically Improve Your Performance By Zach Even-Esh via EliteFTS
Quote of the Week
While Preparing for the Ruthless Performance Ride America, I spent some time outside of Flagstaff, AZ doing some relatively low-level altitude acclimation training for my upcoming cycling ascents across the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain ranges. While here, I climbed to Humphrey’s Peak, the highest point in AZ. Because of this, I chose to move Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer to a higher priority status on my reading list.

Edmund Hillary was featured prominently throughout this book because he was the first successful climber of Everest; naturally, I wanted to learn more. His quote here is something you should spend some time reflecting on as you consider what you’re capable of.

Enroll for the At-Home Performance Enhancement Strategies Workshop here:
Please fill out your name, email address, and any topic that you would like discussed during the workshop. Once enrolled, you’ll receive an email link to the workshop shortly before the start. If you can’t find the link in your email at the start time, please check your SPAM folder.
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