Here is this week’s fitness content round-up. But first, if you’d like to view last week’s, you can find it here.
There’s a lot going on at Ruthless at the moment, plus on a personal note, my training is getting into high-gear for my speed ascent of King’s Peak in Utah. So I’ll get right into this week’s content…
Featured Content
Observations on Training by an Old Guy By Phil Ringman via Starting Strength
7 Intermediate Bench Hacks By Nate Harvey via EliteFTS
Tip: The Best Back Stretch You’ve Never Tried By TJ Kuster via T-Nation
Acute Exercise Has Beneficial Effects On The Immune System During Prostate Cancer Via Science Magazine
The Real Reason Why Weighted Baseballs Increase Pitching Velocity, and Injury Rates By Mike Reinold
Quote of the Week
I don’t think my affinity for World War 2 history could be overstated. That being said, the war in the pacific has been growing on my attention and Douglas MacArthur, plus the extent of his influence in that theater.
This is a larger-than-life, remarkable general well-worth looking into, but this is well outside the fitness-forward scope of Ruthless.
Leaving what could otherwise be within your sphere of influence/control to ‘luck’ will ultimately lead to bad luck. Control what you can, ignore what you can’t–and just like that, stoicism finds its way into our Quote of the Week yet again.
If you’re ever interested in a high resolution copy of any of our Quote of the Week graphics, you can reach out on our contact page for a free high-res copy.

Photo of the Week
So technically I don’t know if this constitutes a ‘photo of the week’ as this might be the first time I’ve added one to the Featured Fitness Content Series, but here’s a pic from a recent upper-body dominant workout with Ruthless. If you’re interested in learning about the nuances and the reasons behind this set-up, I would recommend going to our Instagram page to read the description, but I have a feeling a longer article will soon follow.
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